0 packet lose ntouch
0 packet lose ntouch

0 packet lose ntouch

  • No Dota 2 key requests, sell, trade etc.
  • No link spamming or signature advertisements for content not specific to Dota 2.
  • 0 packet lose ntouch

  • No trolling, including but not limited to, flame incitation, user provocation or false information distribution.
  • copious one liners in a short period of time, typing with all caps or posting meme responses (text/image).
  • No offensive contents, including but not limited to, racism, gore or pornography.

  • No discussion, sharing or referencing illegal software such as hacks, keygen, cracks and pirated software.
  • No flaming or derogatory remarks, directly or through insinuation.
  • If there is more information needed or if I need to contact anyone please let me know. There is nothing I know of that I can do to fix this since all the packet losses happen away from my computer and modem. I have ran multiple traceroutes and pathpings and consistently find packet losses along the path such as the ones below which are not the worst I have seen in my testing for the last few weeks. I have checked my computer out and run diagnostics on it and performed modem tests (I have no router) and found the computer and modem in good shape. The video or game would freeze for a couple of seconds then all of a sudden catch up (for lack of a better term). I have recently been noticing some screen freezing while watching youtube vidios or playing online games.

    0 packet lose ntouch